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  • Shards

    Transcripts of my conscious split into shards for you to read, share, and ponder.

    Son of a Worldly Father

    If the son of a worldly father obeys his instructions and molds his life accordingly, how pleased his father becomes! He even gives him his own earnings. Do you think that if we are working according to the Master's instructions and we are pleasing Him, He will keep anything hidden from us? No: He will also give us all that He has earned for us. He will give us everything, when a disciple molds his life according to the instructions of the Master, when he obeys His commandments, then the Master sits within such a disciple, carrying all His wealth.

    God needs You

    God is the One Eternal, Most Loving, Most Kind, Most Merciful, Almighty, All-Knowing, All-Wise, Fearless, Creater, Preserver, Destroyer, and Self-Exalted Lord of all Lords, but He is formless and attributeless. What is created can never fully comprehend what created it. He is beyond time and form; He designed the concept of dimensions. He is the Self-Existing Truth, the Cause of all Causes, the Architect of Destiny. He created all that exists, He sustains all that exists, and He is the One who destroys all that exists. He needs You. His Devotee, for You to define Him. There is no 'God' without You. Without your perception of who God is, without your interactions with God, God has no form in the material world. Only through You are God's thoughts and actions manifested into form. You are a beacon of Light. Animals are enslaved to their ego, they will always do what they feel like doing in the moment. Humans have the choice to kill their ego and submit to the Will of God/Waheguru/Allah/Yahweh/Brahman, or whatever name you choose to call Your Beloved. Read the scriptures of the faith you were born into, it was probably used as a manual of life by your ancestors to help keep their lineage alive, just to give you a chance to experience life. God is as only as great as He wants to be. I, your slave, beg to be a witness of Your Glory, my Master. God eternally loves us, He protects and nurtures us like our mother or father. God helps keep my pot of clay intact every day. He Wills the Breath of Life into me, and assigns me to my tasks. The Formless Lord experiences and enjoys His Creation through his slaves.

    Unspoken Knowledge 101

    Your ego is your sense of self, your self identity. Who are we? What makes you, you? Disregarding the material world, some would say maybe your thoughts, actions, or beliefs? And that's true to some extent, those things do define who you are as a person, but what if a person is seeking for growth and evolution? Then your mind must become like water, taking perfect form and being delighted in any circumstance nature may put you in. So in order to successfully alter and cause lasting changes in yourself through self-improvement, without reverting to lower baseline versions of yourself, you must pull your ego out from the root, you must attack your current self-identity, annhiliate the self that's holding you back. A lot of people get beaten down by life and eventually may start thinking their circumstances just led them to become the way they have become... this is good, nature is shedding you of your self-conceit. Depression is unsatisfaction with your current life... the only cure is to make the neccessary changes. Nothing in life is inherently good or bad, it just is what it is, and we must learn to accept it as animals living in the wilderness, duality is an illusion only existing within our minds, the matrix is an escape from reality. All of our lives are split into 2 worlds, there is the material realm, and then there is the spiritual realm within your mind. Humans have the capability of sight in both realms; your mind is analagous to the moon, it reflects the Sun's light. The thoughts you concieve of in your mind will eventually impregnate the material world, your higher self will manifest through your actions, and eventually your circumstances will change accordingly to this new person who you have now become, changes in material follow changes in spiritual. The story of the two wolves is a fight between mind and matter, chase matter and you will lose mind, chase mind and the world will chase you. The ego is the rein Your Soul uses to control this body. Conquer your mind, Conquer the World.

    Pain and Pleasure are an Illusion

    You must transcend the framework of duality. Things just are. Nothing is better than anything else. All is quite literally One. The One Creator Lord is the Puppet Master playing every single living being that exists. When you see someone else, there is no point in envy or jealousy because it is You who is playing that character, You have the exact same soul. Due to the very nature of the game, all of our initial conditions are random and distinct. Isolated Sandboxes. It's not what You have, but it's what You do with what You have that matters. Make the most out of it. You should change Your perspective on how You view life by becoming a student of every person you meet. You shouldn't want to live the life of another person. A better way to look at it would be like this person is what I would have become if I were in their shoes. But I'm not that person. I am Myself. Only I've been through all my trials and tribulations. Alone. But so have we all. Stop focusing on helping others figure their shit out when You haven't even gotten Your's figured out yet. Get inspired by Others. Send Love to Others. Receive Love from Others. This Game is collaborative. But we can all provide the most value to each other by becoming overly selfish, it's Your birth right bestowed upon You by God!

    Kill All Expectations.

    Remain without hope in the midst of hope. Kill the past and future, they do not exist, they are only concepts. The future you envision are just projections your brain estimated from past experiences. The key to success is to adhere strictly to the truth, you must think critically at all moments. Our souls are merchents of time. Your soul is responsible for deciding where your time is spent. If your body has a poor relationship with it's Father soul, it will behave disobediently. Self-disciple is only developed through increasing self-love. A body which is not loved by it's own soul will eventually become perceptible as a potential slave to malicious slave master souls. How you do anything is how you do everything.

    Songwriting 101

    It is not I who speaks, but it is You who speaks through me. Words themselves are symbols with syntactic meanings associated with them. I am nothing more than a mathematician. Storytelling, solving rhymes, and creating melodies is the art of creating patterns on the canvas of the piano roll within your mind. Stitching words together in a way where the sentence computes to a logically true statement is no different than coming up with mathematically true equations. It is You who fills the words I piece together with Your own life experiences to try to make the truth out of the statement.

    Become Eternal. Join the Hall of Fame.

    O Nanak, call Him Great! He Himself knows Himself. The praisers praise the Lord, but they do not obtain intuitive understanding-the streams and rivers flowing into the ocean do not know its vastness. Even kings and emperors, with mountains of property and oceans of wealth-these are not even equal to an ant, who does not forget God. This game of lifeis a simulation running in the single consciousness of the One Creator Lord of this Universe. The same way the entirety of Minecraft was written in Java, this whole Universe is built with One single fundamental substance. The idea is, if you keep breaking down physical matter into smaller and smaller pieces that it is composed of (dividing beyond protons, neutrons, and electrons), the entire Universe is a constantly mutating configuration of a single base God Particle (Monism). This body is the temple of God, it is the One Creator Lord who is reaping the fruits of his Labour after having created the Universe. Your body is a field of karma, You will reap what You sow. Analagous to a fruit of a tree dropping to the ground which can never reattach again, You only have One shot at playing this Human Life. This is Your Only Chance to Meet the Lord of the Universe within the Home of your Heart, Unleash Your Innate Creative Powers, and Become a Pebble on the Path of the One Lord. This Game of Life is Won by Discovering Your True Self. Look Within, You May Manifest Whatever You Require in the Material Realm to Help Aid You, but the Journey must be Completed in Solitude.


    Come back soon to explore my collection of shards.